Monday, May 9, 2011

I'll Always Be In Your Heart

IM going to a place where you will not be together with me anymore...
A place where i'm going live my dreams and build my career.
My dreams before I met you was so different.
Everything I ever dreamt about was my career, fame and money.

I wanted to be someone respected and looked up to by every other person.
Since the day you walked in my life,
All I dreamt about is being with you,
Spending the remaining of my life with you by my side,
Caring for you,
And most importantly loving you.

All the fame, glory and money doesn't play a role in my life any longer.
All I want and need is just you.
But oh well,
The reality of life still portrays that every woman needs a secure and comfortable life.
And I cant deny that.

If we were meant to be,
No distance will ever separate us.
You sent me an sms once saying...
"No matter the distance,
If two hearts connect,
they're with each other for eternity.
You may be hundreds of miles aways from me,
But you'll always be close to me. I love you."

That was sent to me on the 20th of September last year,
Just 9 days after we got together.
I will hold on to that, forever. =)

I may have to sacrifice a year or more without you,
But hey, whats a year if I can spend the rest of it alongside you.
That would be much better no?

When Im not here anymore and you feel a warm breeze brush against your face,
Just remember,
Thats the kiss I blew just for you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Love Is Genuine

I never doubted my own love for you.
Even with some tiny misunderstandings, I never gave up on us.
Today you asked me what if you had your legs cut and were handicapped.

You said that i wouldn't love you anymore if one day that day comes.
Do you really believe in that?
Honestly, do you actually live with that thought in your mind?

When i asked why would you think that way,
You say that its because I'm so good and you're not.
Baby, its not about who is good and who isn't.

Even if that day comes,
I would proudly go about showing you to the world and how much I love you.
I would happily take the liberty to take care of you.
Feed you,
Bathe you,
Carry you to which ever place ur heart desires,
Most importantly,
Love you with everything I've got.

I ensure you, no matter what happens,
My love for you will never fade.
This isn't some teen puppy love.

I know that this time its the real deal.
I just know...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Need You By My Side

Its 2a.m and i keep rolling on my bed...
The line cut off as i always slept on the phone with you...
Baby, you might not know how important you are to me,
But I just wanna make my point...
You are the most important thing in my life.
I would seriously give up everything just for you...

I'm trying my very best to get some shut eye...
I really cant seem to be doing well at it though.
All I need is you..
I can safely say that I want you in my life forever..

I know that everyone uses the word forever but end up with nothing..
I dont really care bout what people think bout my thoughts or my feelings..
All I care is about what you think of them...

I wanna spend the remaining of my life alongside you..
I want you to plant morning kisses when I wake up in the morning..
Make me my coffee and so so much more...
I just cant describe what I'm facing now..
Darling, I just want you to know that I love you and I need you in my life.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Day...

Its been quite a while since I spent time like I had with you today.
Miss it a lot.
No doubt that we didn't waste a single minute away from each other, but I'm just glad that the time we had together today, it was special.
So special that it made me love you even more.

The laughter, the happiness, the compassion and affection that i received from you,
Gosh, I miss all that so much.
Everything was about love, just plain love.

Even though we always have really limited time together, for me, I still thank God for everything.
Even if its just 10 minutes that i get to meet u.
Its more than enough.
All I need is to see you and my whole day would be like falling stars.

Still remember the time some where 4 months ago.
You called me around 10 in the morning saying you will be at Leisure Mall all alone.
But only for 15 minutes. I took a bus and rushed down just to save that 15 mins chance of being together with you.

These little things might mean nothing for some people, but for me.
I just love you too much to care bout what others think.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Did My Best, I'm Sorry It Didn't Turn Out As Expected.

Things are so hard for us, its so hard for us to meet up due to huge circumstances.
Now that you're in college, it made it even harder for "me".
So many things running in my head about how are we gonna make it together.
I did my very best, I really did.

I sacrificed every single dream I had just to go to the same college as you.
My badminton, modelling, even my studies.
Doing A-Levels in subjects that i have no interest in.
I don't care much about it, I wouldn't even regret it.
All these is simply because I don't wanna lose you & I wanted to be closer to you.

I know how disappointed you are about the whole situation.
I did it so i could see you happy.
Im sorry.
I gave it my best shot.

Its really difficult for me to forget that past, which was the most hardest time of my life.
I try and try my very best to let it go.
But, sigh...i don't have that strength as everyone else does.

I can't even risk a chance that it might happen again.
I'm terrified, scared, horrified, everything.
I wouldn't be able to take it for the second time.

I know I should trust you again,
Baby, i do...
I just don't wanna take any risk....
Try to understand, I'm wounded...
I'm not like everyone else.
Im not a weakling, neither am I a strong person.
I get emotional and sensitive very easily, especially towards you.
I cry.....why?
Its just that, i've never felt this way for anyone before.

Even for my ex, i've never came to d extend of giving up everything for her.
I've never thought of her as my soulmate, nothing near that at all.

I don't know why i'm like this...
My heart tells me that it's because i love you, and i can't afford to lose you.
I just hope you know.....
I love you.