Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Did My Best, I'm Sorry It Didn't Turn Out As Expected.

Things are so hard for us, its so hard for us to meet up due to huge circumstances.
Now that you're in college, it made it even harder for "me".
So many things running in my head about how are we gonna make it together.
I did my very best, I really did.

I sacrificed every single dream I had just to go to the same college as you.
My badminton, modelling, even my studies.
Doing A-Levels in subjects that i have no interest in.
I don't care much about it, I wouldn't even regret it.
All these is simply because I don't wanna lose you & I wanted to be closer to you.

I know how disappointed you are about the whole situation.
I did it so i could see you happy.
Im sorry.
I gave it my best shot.

Its really difficult for me to forget that past, which was the most hardest time of my life.
I try and try my very best to let it go.
But, sigh...i don't have that strength as everyone else does.

I can't even risk a chance that it might happen again.
I'm terrified, scared, horrified, everything.
I wouldn't be able to take it for the second time.

I know I should trust you again,
Baby, i do...
I just don't wanna take any risk....
Try to understand, I'm wounded...
I'm not like everyone else.
Im not a weakling, neither am I a strong person.
I get emotional and sensitive very easily, especially towards you.
I cry.....why?
Its just that, i've never felt this way for anyone before.

Even for my ex, i've never came to d extend of giving up everything for her.
I've never thought of her as my soulmate, nothing near that at all.

I don't know why i'm like this...
My heart tells me that it's because i love you, and i can't afford to lose you.
I just hope you know.....
I love you.

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